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签名牌入未开封口香糖盒 Confinement by Phil Dacosta |
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点击我解决 E公司情人节后的又一部魔术教学。Confinement by Phil Dacosta,签名牌入未开封口香糖盒。
看完视频后,觉得这个还是不错的,效果非常的不错。 可以让任何观众签名的牌,到未开封的口香糖包装里面。 普通的口香糖,不需要道具,可以用手法完成。 由Eric Jones and Phil DaCosta共同进行讲解,通过相同的原理,给予更多的想法。教学一共44分钟。3 w# v/ G7 p: |, q4 v Phil Da Costa gives reason to the impossible location plot, without resorting to a grocery bag full of lemons. Bonus Effect: With a packet of gum in full view at all times, the magician tears the corner off a spectator's signed card. With a flourish the corner disappears, only to be found INSIDE the sealed pack of gum - the same packet held by the spectator since the beginning of the trick. Shot on Location on the Streets of Toronto& p+ _& f: D5 s# @ s% T7 X Multiple Angle, Stunning HD over 44 minutes- y3 G: \/ L3 F1 X; b: \8 T( z/ c* F Uses a regular pack of gum' k" @6 u! j7 y2 Y; {' x9 _5 N- g Detailed teaching by Eric Jones and Phil DaCosta Resources given for further study
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