本帖最后由 xyz200902 于 2012-10-9 20:34 编辑
卡提尼 的介绍 谢谢楼主分享 跟各位讲个 历史这部影片 是1957年所拍摄的
卡提尼 在80岁生日时也拍摄过影片 理查德德于1895年出生在威尔士南部,在第一次世界大战期间加入了英国军队,为了打发时间,他在战壕里练魔术,后来在受伤后在医院,更有时间练习。当第一次世界大战结束后,他周游世界用Cardini名称,作一个专业的魔术师。他表演节目的时候,令观众着迷是一个伟大的魔术师。Cardini特殊的是,他表演他的魔术技巧时同时会戴手套。因为他在寒冷潮湿的战壕里练魔术,磨练出这种魔术能力。他于1973年去世。是很有创意的老魔术师
以下是介绍 卡提尼 (自己翻译吧 把英文学好 学魔术会很轻松) Cardini, three time President of the Society of American Magicians, is credited by magicians all over the world with originating card magic as it is practiced today. Born Richard Valentine Pitchford, Cardini grew up in wales and practiced magic in the trenches of World War I and in the hospital. After the war he made his way to America, traveling around the world, through Australia, amazing even other magicians with his dexterity and showmanship. And what is even more amazing, Cardini did most of his magic routine while wearing gloves!! Over time, Cardini developed a silent, manipulation act with cards, billiard balls, and cigarettes unlike anything before it in the history of magic. His flawless technique, superb misdirection, and elegant style earned him enormous success and respect...and a host of imitators. Cardini created new inroads in vaudeville for other magicians, and during the thirties and fourties was considered by many people to be the most imitated man in the world. He played the White House eight times, gave a Command performance before the King and Queen of England, and was the second person to have his name up in lights at Radio City Music Hall.