3156| 13
2012 欺骗性控牌手法The Sick Control Trilogy by Justin Miller |
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点击我解决 [free]效果 哎哟……这胡子渣渣的小老头这次的这个控牌倒是蛮不错的嘛……控顶控底都行~还可以做change,比较实用啊~ Use the sick control to secretly control a card to the top, bottom, or even as a color change or to hide the back of a card until your time to reveal it. "Justin, It really amazed my friend when I performed my routine using your sick control then the B.C.T.M.... His facial expression really showed that he was shocked" -Richard Ace- "The Sick Control - this is a beauty! I love how this looks and what you can do it... opens a lot of doors. And yes, it is SICK!" ![]()
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