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[视频教学] 2012 T11 整形手术装置 Plastic Surgery by Kevin Schaller |
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2012 T11 整形手术装置 Plastic Surgery by Kevin Schaller 小哥Kevin Schaller近期的第三个新作,牌盒变幻小装置,可以用来出现字迹,甚至的牌角,效果不错,功能挺多。T11 The Wire发行的教学,道具都是可以自己制作的,本次道具也是剪刀和胶水就能搞定的小东西。 Plastic Surgery is a clever new gimmick that allows you to change writings on the bottom of the card box, covered by the cellophane. You can make writings vanish off of the card box and reappear on your hand, you can change writings so it matches with the chosen card and you can make small objects like the corner of a card penetrate the cellophane. - no magnets - nothing to palm - nothing taken away - use any card box - show all sides
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