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2014 魔术魂 红门宴 DRUNK by Hondo |
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点击我解决 2014 魔术魂 红门宴 DRUNK by Hondo
![]() ![]() ![]() 【影片名称】:DRUNK by Hondo 【中文译名】:红门宴 【发行公司】:魔术魂 【发行年份】:2014 【语言类别】:国语中文 【影片售价】:$25.00 【影片格式】:avi+高清DVD 【影片大小】:1.13GB+1.37GBDVD版 【影片时长】:55:31 【存储空间】:百度云 【有效期限】:无期限 【影片介绍】: ![]() 酒醉的魔术魂CEO——Hondo被设局陷害了! 在拍下了许多不堪入目的照片后,被威胁公开了他的商业机密! 本DVD并不会教你任何魔术效果,而是教你许多道具生产的机密,让你省下大笔的支出! Hondo于本DVD中,首次公开如何制作世界最高质量的串联橡皮筋!(质量如Hondo的另一部作品——Infinitum当中所附赠的一样)学会了本方法后,你将可使用本DVD所附赠的工具,自行大量生产串联橡皮筋。让你能够在表演完后大方送给观众当纪念品,毋须再担心成本问题!此外,也可将此方法应用于制作橡皮筋串联戒指、耳环、剪刀…等,任何你想得到的物品! 本DVD也将公开Hondo使用多年的记号牌系统,并教你如何自行制作容易判读并且具备单一方向性的记号牌!将你的扑克牌变成一副更强大的魔术表演工具!本记号系统的优点在于隐密性高,但判读相当容易且快速,不会掉色也没有墨水沾污到其他扑克牌的缺点! ![]() 除了以上两大机密之外,你还可学到: .如何快速正确地绑好弹力隐线圈(Invisible Elastic Bands); .如何制作无接痕的串联薄荷糖(Polo Mints); .何处取得便宜的止滑剂,以及喷洒止滑剂的技巧; .如何制作标准化的长短牌或是梯型牌等这类型常用道具牌。 ![]() 在魔术蓬勃发展,产品大爆炸的时代,如何把钱花在刀口上,已成为了每个魔术师必面对的课题。本DVD不是教你如何不花钱在魔术上,而是帮助你省下更多钱,投资在更多其它你喜欢的魔术上!而我们的初衷,也是希望能启发所有看过本DVD的魔术师们,运用里面的知识,创造出更多新的魔术! "Hey, Hondo, are you serious? Revealing such useful tips, you must have been bloody drunk!" -Hanson Chien "The top confidentiality that the fans of Infinitum must not miss! For DIY fanciers, "Drunk" should be on your To-Buy list, too." - Nie Te Hondo was drunk, and got tricked badly! With the threat of publicizing his filthy photos, he reluctantly exposed his commercial secrets! This DVD is not filled with magic tricks. However, it provides plenty of confidential information about prop making, which is a great money saver for you! In this DVD, for the very first time Hondo disclosed how to make the best linking rubber bands in the world. (The quality is exactly the same as the ones provided in Hondo's Infinitum DVD.) After mastering this method, you can customize your own linking rubber bands with the tools supplied in the Drunk package. Thus you don't need to worry about giving away the linking rubber bands as a souvenir , and it lowers the cost for the performance. Besides, this method can be applied to any link-able object such as rings, earrings, and scissors, The only limit is your imagination. Another feature is Hondo's own marked deck system. Hondo will teach you how to make a one-way marked deck with easy-reading marks. Your own deck of cards will turn into a powerful tool for magic in no time. The marking system exceeds others in it's camouflage, easy and quick reading, non-fading, and no stains at all. Along with the above secrets, you'll also have the access to: 【效果预览】:
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