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2014 刘谦最新教学 预言+戒指消失 Slow+Ring by Lu Chen |
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点击我解决 预言+戒指消失 Slow+Ring by Lu Chen
![]() 【影片名称】:Slow+Ring 【中文译名】: 预言+戒指消失 【教学作者】: Lu Chen 刘谦 【发行年份】:2014 【影片售价】:墨菲售价 $20.00 【道具需求】:不需要 【影片格式】:MP4 【影片时长】:16 分钟 【储存空间】: 百度网盘 【影片介绍】: 预言观众喊停的牌.外加一个戒指消失。墨菲售价20美金 跟之前刘谦扑克教学出4A差不多,加了一些自己的创意 SLOW Imagine this: you put a red backed card on the table, face down. You spread a blue backed deck face up showing that all the cards are different. You close the deck, turn it face down and ask the spectator to cut it. The upper cut part is put away. Now you openly turn the red backed card face up. You very slowly and openly begin taking off cards from the half of the deck where the spectator cut to. He says stop whenever he wants. You show that if he said stop one card before or one card later he would have stopped to two other different cards. You show the card he said stop to. Believe it or not, it matches the prediction. And it works every time. It sounds impossible and it looks even more impossible! A wonderful effect from the genius of Lu Chen, explained in detail from the setup to the performance, with all the information, explanations and psychological tips to recreate this effect which could became one of the most amazing effects in the repertoire of any cardician and mentalist. WARNING:You need to prepare a special deck which is not included in the video RING A ring vanish created by Lu Chen while stuck in traffic and waiting at a red light! You take off a ring from your finger, put it in the other hand, and boom, it's gone! A simple, direct and very funny to perform effect, which could only came from the mind of the most famous Asian magician while waiting for a green light! 【演示视频】: 不要说贵,这是墨菲的售价,非常珍贵的!
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