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2014 裸体硬币消失 Killer Queen by Rockstar Alex |
2014 硬币消失术 Killer Queen by Rockstar Alex
个人很喜欢的一个硬币魔术,因为纯手法不用道具嘛,裸体也能变。 Imagine you're naked, place a coin, key, Sd card, flat objects... in your palm, then almost instantly show your hands totally empty. Completely impromptu. From the Twisted mind of Rockstar Alex, one of the top underground magician in Viet Nam, from the SOH team. He brings you an amazing coin vanishing effect, the Killer Queen. Alex will show you his original coin effect that fools,even magicians. You can perform the effect TOTALLY NAKED in a strip club and show your hands empty your can retrieve the coin right away too. 演示: 教学:
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发表于 2016-3-19 01:15:06
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