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2010 新K0绳子教学 Henry Evans - new K.O Rope |
魔术奇迹友情提示: 回复后看不到内容请刷新,如果依然看不到请
点击我解决 教学名称: Henry Evans - new K.O Rope
出品方(人): K.O Rope 教学时长: 12 分钟 魔术道具: 不需要 存储方式: 百度云盘 魔术简介: 不错的绳子教学 魔术演示: 无 魔术介绍: In this truly incredible rope routine, the performer starts with a single rope. He/she then proceeds to cut the one rope in two. Now with two ropes, the performer magically mends the ropes together. After he/she has done so, the magician then without cutting, makes four separate ropes! The magician can mend the ropes into one rope once more and then separate them one last time. All four ropes are examinable! 魔术教学:
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