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2010 意念爆气球 Magic smith Bloon ,挺神奇的魔术,免费给大家

发表于 2015-8-24 17:20:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
教学名称:        Magic smith Bloon
出品方(人):        Bloon

教学时长:        15 分钟

魔术道具:        不需要

存储方式:        百度云盘

魔术简介:        你有想過用心靈的力量來讓氣球爆破嗎?現在Bloon做到了,MagicSmith出品的魔術中最具代表性的作品就是Lighting(台灣翻譯燈泡自 亮),從那個商品就奠定了MagicSmith專心研究在電子魔術道具與心靈魔術結合的基礎。現在你可以跟觀眾借氣球,甚至讓觀眾選擇氣球,然後你運\用心 靈的力量來使氣球自爆。



Bloon allows you to burst a balloon using psychic energy - and you抮e nowhere near it! You know the exact moment it will pop - and you抣l get all the credit for popping it.

Start by pulling out a little box of balloons - like something you bought at the 99 cent store. Have the spectator choose any color. Blow it up and place it on the table - you never touch the balloon again. Step away - as far as you like. Now at any moment, AND at your command, the balloon pops!

The amazing invisible electronic gizmo does it all. Use it in conjunction with your favorite effects:

* Use your psychic energy to pop it!

* The balloon pops as you're dealing cards - the next card is their selection!

* Touch the spectator's finger to complete a circle of electricity - the balloon pops!

Comes with Bloon box and complete directions. Works with any balloons.

链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQ4eWxk 密码: erwz

发表于 2015-8-26 10:37:51 | 显示全部楼层
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