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[视频教学] Think by Shin Lim (類巴格拉斯效果)

发表于 2013-2-28 09:04:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Shin Lim又再推出新教学,名为Think(想),效果是魔术师在桌上放一个预言和牌盒,观众任意说一个号码,然后观众亲自打开牌盒,数到刚才所说的号码,那张牌与预言是相同的,非常不可思议和神奇。Shin Lim将教授三个版本,让魔友在任何场合都可表演。根据官方资料,Think的强大在于,魔术师在表演期间一直都没有碰牌,也不会碰预言,而且无需道具、辅助品或助手之类,又能即席重设。
From the mind of Shin Lim comes an extremely clean and deceptive piece of mentalism.

Effect: You present both a deck of cards and a prediction, both which YOU WILL NEVER TOUCH in the performance. As a matter of fact, you can be sitting in the audience while the spectator is on stage counting the cards. You ask the spectator to think of a number between 1-52. Once a number has been chosen, you instruct the spectator to pick up the deck, and deal down to that number. You then instruct her to lift up the prediction which has been on the table the entire time. THE CARD AND PREDICTION MATCH.... EVERY TIME!

The magician DOES NOT touch the deck at any time.
The magician DOES NOT touch the prediction at any time.
NO gimmicks.
NO rough and Smooth.
NO sticky cards (this includes, glues, wax, roughing, ANYTHING)
NO equivoque
NO stooges
NO switching
NO electronics
NO gimmicks
Instant Reset
Shot in 1080p full HD, Shin goes over 3 variations of this effect.
Learn from award winner Shin Lim. F.I.S.M NACM I.B.M WMS
Running Time Approximately: 33min


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